by Fanatical Labs

Save Your Team Countless Hours. SugarChimp syncs your lists in both directions so you can work in your preferred app. Segment and group your Mailchimp subscribers based on Sugar data so you can market to the right people at the right time. Compatible with all versions and editions of Sugar and SuiteCRM. Created by Fanatical Labs, 2023 SugarCRM Partner Award Winner.

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#3555 - Pass record type to Mailchimp

Closed Feature created by chiaramenti 6 years ago

In SuiteCrm I have a target list made of record of different types (accounts, leads, contacts), is it possibile to pass to MailChimp the type of the record? I haven't found this in the field mapping wizard, there are only the database fields. Thank you!

  1. fanatical_jon member avatar

    Jon S Provider

    6 years ago

    Hello there,

    Thanks for asking! We currently do not support passing the module field across to MailChimp, however it is something you might can work around. Some of our clients will sync fields specific to one module or another across, so they know which subscribers are Contacts vs Leads. For instance, sync across the Lead Status field from the Leads module to a Lead Status field in MailChimp. Then, sync across a Contact type field across as well. This should allow you to segment in MailChimp based on these fields accordingly.

    Does that work in your case?

    Thanks, Jon

  2. chiaramenti member avatar


    6 years ago

    ok thanks, we'll add a custom field for every entity using the same name, hidden to the user, and we'll give it the name of the entity as default value.

    I have another question, in the specs list for the Professional plan, you mention a Automated List Population: where do I find information about it: we need to insert every new created account into a specific target list, and maybe this feature can help. Or do you know otther solution? (I tried with SuiteCRM workflows but without success...)

    • fanatical_jon member avatar

      Jon S Provider

      6 years ago

      Hello again,

      That sounds great. Automated list population can be set on the SugarChimp Configuration > Sync a List settings, step 3. Once you've set your Target List and MailChimp List, you can automate 'who' gets added to these lists. However, the Professional plan only allows you to add 'All' records of a certain type to a list. If you have certain fields that you want to segment on in MailChimp, then you could possibly just use one master list and pass the data across, segmenting in MailChimp. In order to use specific custom filters for each list, you need the Ultimate edition.

      Also, you said that you are wanting to sync Accounts over to MailChimp. The Accounts module is not syncing by default, but you can set it to syncing by going to a custom endpoint. Once that is done, you'll see the Accounts tab on the step mentioned above as well as the Field Mapping page. Is that something you'd like to do?

      Let me know your thoughts.

      Thanks! Jon

  3. fanaticallabs member avatar

    Fanatical Labs Provider Affiliate

    6 years ago

    Hello there, I wanted to follow up and see if you had any other questions or concerns about SugarChimp? Is there anything else I can help you with for now?

    Thanks, Jon

  4. chiaramenti member avatar


    6 years ago

    Hi, we bought the Professional Licence (but with another username that is headed to our customer) but we still have some issues: - during step 3 of the setup, the dropdown menu shows only about 30 lists, but we have a lot more of them, so we have to rename the interested list with a "AAA - " at the beginning (not really a problem) - we cannot automaticaly add Accounts email to the list (only contacts, targets and list) - dropdown fields are synced by value, not by label, so in Mailchimp is difficult to handle segments. Are we missing something in the configuration?

  5. fanaticallabs member avatar

    Fanatical Labs Provider Affiliate

    6 years ago

    Hello there,

    We can figure out how to get you what you need here. First, the Target List limitation comes from the Sugar limitation on list view items per page. You can adjust this on the Admin > System Settings > List View Items per page box. This will change all list views for Sugar, so be careful of the performance hit if you raise this number too high. Many of our clients will start synced lists with "0-" to move it to the top of the list a little more gracefully.

    Also, Dropdown fields should be setup to sync by their labels, not by values. Are you syncing from a dropdown type field in Sugar to a dropdown type field in MailChimp? Is the field just a text field in MailChimp? Perhaps that is causing the problem.

    Let me know what you find, we will get it figured out.

    Thanks, Jon

  6. chiaramenti member avatar


    6 years ago

    Thank you for you answer, we'll try as you suggested ASAP. And about mysecond question:

    "we cannot automaticaly add Accounts email to the list (only contacts, targets and list)"

    There is any solution?

  7. fanaticallabs member avatar

    Fanatical Labs Provider Affiliate

    6 years ago

    Hello again,

    I'm not sure how I just missed that middle question, but I can certainly answer that for you. We have an endpoint to hit that will enable the Account syncing settings. Once enabled, you will be able to do everything with the Account module that you can with Contacts, Target and Leads. There will just be an additional tab/column for Accounts.

    On Sugar 7, you will need to enable account syncing via the browser console like this: 1. Log into SugarCRM, go to admin > SugarChimp Configuration 2. Right click and choose "Inspect Element" 3. Select the Console tab 4. Copy and paste the following line of code and hit Enter:'get',SUGAR.App.api.buildURL('SugarChimp/accountsyncing/enable'),{},{});

    After that has run, you should be able to refresh the page, go to the Sync a List step and see your Account syncing option available. Let me know how it goes.

    Thanks! Jon

  8. chiaramenti member avatar


    6 years ago

    Thank you for your answer, but I'haven't told you that I'm using SuiteCRM 7.9, and the SUGAR.App object is not defined in javascript environment (SUGAR object exists, but it doesn't have the App property). There is another way to activate the feature, maybe a direct url form the browser, or a Curl call from php? Thank you for your patience!

  9. chiaramenti member avatar


    6 years ago

    And another thing, about

    Also, Dropdown fields should be setup to sync by their labels, not by values. Are you syncing from a dropdown type field in Sugar to a dropdown type field in MailChimp? Is the field just a text field in MailChimp? Perhaps that is causing the problem.

    In MailChimp do we have to prepare the dropdown with all the available values, or they are created automatically?

  10. fanatical_jon member avatar

    Jon S Provider

    6 years ago

    Hello again,

    To respond to each of these:

    1. If you are in Sugar 7, then you just need to be sure that you are on a Sugar 7 module page. If you go to the Health Status page, that should work just fine for the console command. If you are on Sugar 6, then you need to hit a specific url to accomplish this. The Sugar 6 url will not work in Sugar 7. Here it is:
    1. This is a good question. For Dropdown menus, you need to populate all of the appropriate labels there. Alternatively, you could use a Group in MailChimp, which will auto-populate those options for you. The only downside to doing that is the 60 Group limit for each list. So you cannot surpass 60 options for all of your Groups combined for a single list. If you have less than that, you can sync the dropdown menu to a Group. I believe you need to input 1 correct dropdown label in MailChimp for a Group, but the rest will be created automatically.

    Let me know how that goes.

    Thanks! Jon

  11. fanatical_jon member avatar

    Jon S Provider

    6 years ago

    Hello there,

    I wanted to check on the status of this case and see if there was anything I can help with? Were you able to get the Account syncing running at this time? Are you going with the dropdown options or Groups?

    Regards, Jon

  12. chiaramenti member avatar


    6 years ago

    Hi, after some fine tuning the syncronization is working fine using Groups feature in Mailchimp, so thank you very much for your useful advices. But we encountered a little issue, caused by the inconsistency of our database: we have Accounts and Contacts with same email address, then after the sync in Mailchimp we have just one record for each one of them, so I'd like to ask you what is the priority given to the different beans. First we thought that beans are synced in alphabetical order (Accounts first, and then Contacts, overwriting the duplicates), but there are cases where the record kept is the Account one. Do you have any advice? Thank you again!

  13. fanatical_jon member avatar

    Jon S Provider

    6 years ago


    We handle duplicates as carefully as possible so we do not overwrite data in Sugar from MailChimp. However, deciding which data is pushed to MailChimp is going to be on a "Last Updated" basis. So if the Account is saved in Sugar, then its data will push across to MailChimp. Then, if the Contact is saved in Sugar, it will push the Contact data across. This is the same process that will happen if two Contact records share an email address.

    For the Account/Contact difference, what we recommend is to use separate fields/Groups in MailChimp for Account fields and Contact fields. Basically, have an 'Account type' field that is mapped from the Accounts module only. Have other fields that are only updated from the Contact module. This way, you always know where your Account records are in MailChimp, without overriding data.

    Does that help?

    Thanks, Jon

  14. chiaramenti member avatar


    6 years ago

    Thank you again. Now our setup seems complete, we published in production the latest changes, and we run the syncronization: and there is a strange behavior, the groups in the target list on Mailchimp are empty, while other standard fields (mainly text) are filled correctly. Any clue? If needed I can send you our sugarcrm.log file (we enabled debug mode) where there are some references to the list values that are not synced with Mailchimp.

    • fanatical_jon member avatar

      Jon S Provider

      6 years ago

      What I would try to do in that situation, would be to set the Group syncing to blank on the field mapping page, and save the settings. Then, go back and resave the field mapping for your Groups. I've seen a bug where the group mapping just did not save properly. If that does not work, then send over those logs to and I'll see if I can find anything else in them.

      Thanks, Jon

  15. fanatical_jon member avatar

    Jon S Provider

    6 years ago


    I have looked through your logs and believe we might be able to remedy the situation by adding a single Group option into MailChimp, since they are currently blank. I believe we are not adding the proper Group options into MailChimp because when we "check" the Groups, we get blank results. This causes the integration to think that the call may have failed, and we do not want to duplicate Groups on that end.

    You only need to create 1 option for each Group, but it needs to be spelled and capitalized correctly. Let me know if that fixes the issue.

    Best Regards, Jon

  16. fanatical_jon member avatar

    Jon S Provider

    6 years ago

    Hello again,

    Do you have any updates on this case? Is there anything else I can help you with at this time?

    Thanks, Jon

  17. chiaramenti member avatar


    6 years ago

    Hi Jon, now the syncronization is working fine after adding at least one option per group.

    We still have a pair of issues - it seems that the new records created in SuiteCrm are not added to the target list, but we have to do some testing about it, if confirmed I'll write to you :) - Does the automatic add feature work also on leads inserted with the import tool using a csv file?

    Thank you in advance

    • fanatical_jon member avatar

      Jon S Provider

      6 years ago


      The automatic add does indeed work with the import tool in Sugar. Let me know if you are seeing an issue with this process. I'm glad to help troubleshoot that further.

      Best Regards, Jon

  18. chiaramenti member avatar


    6 years ago

    Hi, we still have issues with the sync procedure: the sync between the target list and mailchimp is working, but when we create a new account (or lead, contact, prospect), or we import a csv with a list, the new records aren't automatically added to the target list, though the auto-add option in the module configuration is checked. Do you have any hint? If needed i cant sent you an updated log. Thank you in advance

  19. fanaticallabs member avatar

    Fanatical Labs Provider Affiliate

    6 years ago

    Hello there,

    Thanks for letting us know about the issue you are still having. Can you go to admin > SugarChimp Configuration > Step 4, and choose the list that is syncing. Then, take a look at Step 3. Who do you want to send to MailChimp. What is this set on? Can you send a screenshot of this setting to for us to take a deeper look and ensure the auto syncing is setup correctly?

    Thanks, Jon

  20. fanatical_jon member avatar

    Jon S Provider

    6 years ago

    Hello there,

    I'm going to go ahead and close this case out. If you are still having issues or have more questions, you can respond to this case or create a new one.

    Kind Regards, Jon

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