
Adding your own Links to the SugarCRM Admin Option Page

Posted by on November 2, 2012
Whether you're making your own module, an integration or just a special something-something for your company's SugarCRM instance, there comes a time when you may want to create a nice page to hold some administrative configuration settings. The best place to put these types of things is on the "Admin" area of Sugar.

Design Discussion - Quality Improvement System

Posted by on October 25, 2012
Almost all of us like to design and/or use useful solutions. That's why we use SugarCRM, after all. In this post we thought we would share some of the design decisions we are facing as it may be interesting and you may have some ideas of your own to share.

Safely Customizing a Core Bean in SugarCRM

Posted by on October 18, 2012
When it comes to creating upgrade-safe and custom module-aware* solutions it can become quite the challenge when you need to add something to a core bean. In this example, we want to be able to allow users to grab cases that are either currently unassigned or perhaps have been created from a support portal and assigned to a global portal user.

Unit Testing with SugarCRM and PHPUnit

Posted by on October 11, 2012
The ability to customize SugarCRM extensively makes it a very powerful application framework. Building modules, custom views or logic hooks can introduce bugs into an otherwise stable installation; luckily there's a way to improve the quality of the code you're writing in the development process.

AjaxUI Fails When Accessing a Module's Detail View

Posted by on October 5, 2012
Recently while working on a client issue, I ran across a problem that kept occurring when trying to access a Contact's detail view. It would only fail when the page was being loaded with AjaxUI. Learn more about how I got around the issue and found the proper solution.