by CRM Alerts

Stay on top of your open opportunities and improve your sales conversion rate. Delivered right to your inbox, you will always be equipped with the latest list of opportunities on hand.

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Support Cases Author Status Type
#2701 cancel purchase - hi i will like to cancel my purchase opportunitiesAlerts because it doesnt work dmariamdoumbia Open Bug?
#1406 Possible to change the alerts type to send Accounts instead? - We currently don't use the Opportunity's tab, all of our 'leads' are set up as a exceed Open Feature
#679 no alerts - system is SuiteCRM7.1 I installed OE as per instructions, created a ROLE called sales, then added ap Closed General Question
#575 add more fields to OpportunitiesAlerts - Hi, we need to add more columns to this add-on. Could I have your @ for further explanations? Than mac Closed Feature