by CRM Alerts

Stay on top of your open opportunities and improve your sales conversion rate. Delivered right to your inbox, you will always be equipped with the latest list of opportunities on hand.

Includes a 30 day guarantee
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80% of all sales are made after 5 or more contacts

This is according to a study by Dartnell and McGraw Hill. 90% of salespeople give up before getting to that sweet spot.

One of the many reasons for that is simply from letting opportunities fall through the cracks.

Enter Opportunities Alerts

Opportunities Alerts is a customizable pending opportunities periodic report that you can receive daily, weekly, etc, directly into your mailbox.

Timely and Reliable Follow-ups

Gain a significant competitive advantage by maintaining regular contact with your customers and prospects.

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Backed by our Tried & Tested, 30-Day Money Back Guarantee.