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#3160 - Issue when uninstalling MailMergeReports-Premium-v2.5.5-Sugar_6.5-7.6 on SuiteCRM 7.8.3

Closed Bug? created by squestel 7 years ago

Hi, last year we bought this plugin of yours, and now We're trying this out and it seems to work fine when installed, but i just tried to ininstall it on a debian distribution, it deletes all the CRM ! I tried it twice just to be sure. Let's admit I have all my crm inside the "suitecrm" folder, when I uninstall your plugin, it deletes all the content of this folder ![failure.PNG]( "failure.PNG")

We need some expanations about that for sure !


  1. dharma member avatar

    Izertis Provider

    7 years ago


    Sorry very much about it. This is the first time we have heard this occur. We have tested the process of uninstallation of MMR plugin many times and nothing similar has happened so far, unless we know it.

    When you uninstall the plugin, the following steps are executed (and only the following steps):

    • Pre-Uninstall - All registered hooks of the component are deleted: "custom / modules / MODULEX / DHA_DocumentTemplatesHooks.php"
    • Pre-Uninstall - Only if the option to delete tables has been chosen, the template directory is deleted, which is defined in the $ sugar_config ['DHA_templates_dir' variable]

    • Post-Uninstall - The module directories are deleted: modules / DHA_DocumentsDocuments and custom / modules / DHA_DocumentsDocuments

    • Post-Uninstall - Clearing the icons installed by the component. Here a closed list of files is deleted, which is in 'custom / themes / default / images'.

    We have review that, and, yes, in the pre-unistall, if for some unknown reason, the global variable $ sugar_config ['DHA_templates_dir'] is empty, then the problem could be happen. We will publish a new version solving that possible circumstance as soon as posible

    Thanks for tell us about this. Regards


  2. squestel member avatar


    7 years ago

    Hi, just to remind you of this problem because we need this plugin to get our job faster, but we can't afford installing it while knowing the circumstances if we uninstall it, so would you please release the bug fix in the coming days if possible, it's kind of urgent for us.


  3. dharma member avatar

    Izertis Provider

    7 years ago


    The release 2.5.9 that solved that problem is already available as you can see at



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