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#2439 - Google "account" case from contacts is not synced to suitecrm

Closed Bug? created by Rafael 7 years ago

Hello, the account field is not synced at all from google to suitecrm. is this a bug?

  1. rolustech-primary-contact member avatar

    Rolustech Verified Purchase

    7 years ago


    By default, Gsync only syncs that information related to a SuiteCRM contact which has corresponding fields in the Gmail contacts. There is no field for related account in the Gmail contact therefore the account field associated with a contact in Sugar will not be synced to Gmail.

    If you need this feature in the plugin, we can do that with a customization. Should you be interested in getting this customization, please drop an email at and we'll get back to you.

    Thank you.

    Kind Regards, Rolustech Support Email: Website:

    • info71 member avatar


      7 years ago

      this is a standard field in google contacts, its the third field when you add a contact in a ios device.

      and its not as you described to sync from suitecrm to google, its to sync from google to suite (and invert)

      you should add this feature generally in the source code, instead to provide it to single users.

  2. rolustech-primary-contact member avatar

    Rolustech Verified Purchase

    7 years ago

    Hi Rafael,

    Thank you for your feedback. We shall definitely accommodate this in the next release.

    Kind Regards, Rolustech Support Email: Website:

    • info71 member avatar


      7 years ago

      Yes. That would be nice even a few new fields would have to be created within studio and the suitecrm/sugardatabase for syncing all the data from google. there wouldn t be data lost. and who needs this information could add it himself within studio in contact settings to access it... maybe even the contact picture could be set to be synced (even thus probably shouldnt be a standard setting)

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