by GrinMark

Make life easier by reducing the need to flip between apps. If you are using Outlook Web App, Outlook 2013, or Outlook 2016 connected to Office365 or Exchange Server 2013 then be sure to take advantage of this email and contact synchronization add-on. Smartly links emails to your Sugar records and keeps your contacts in sync.

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#2248 - GMSync 1.9.4

Closed Bug? created by bohdang 8 years ago

Attempting to install the latest GMSync Addon into our Sugar OnDemand instance. Getting the following error which does not allow me to proceed. Please advise.

Installation failed!

The package you are attempting to install does not conform to the policies established within the Sugar Open Cloud or by your system administrator. • Sugar Open Cloud customers must obtain a new package from the package provider that addresses the issues described below. • If you are running Sugar locally, you can relax your Module Loader restrictions to allow the package to be installed.

Package Scan Policy Guide File Issues custom/service/gmsync/gmsync.php Invalid usage of a function set_time_limit()

  1. GrinMark member avatar

    GrinMark Provider Affiliate

    8 years ago


    It appears that wrong version of gmsync has been published. Please, try to download correct version 1.9.3 from here:

    It should install properly.

    I hope that helps.

    Regards, Alexey Grinevich

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