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#1626 - RT GSync not working, localhost

Closed Bug? created by fastmoves 8 years ago

It seems like I followed the instructions for install and config. Got the popup to grant the module permission to interact with Google. Have not had a calendar sync yet.

  1. rolustech-primary-contact member avatar

    Rolustech Verified Purchase

    8 years ago

    Hi fastmoves,

    kindly check that the following actions have been performed :

    1) Verify that under GSync "Preferences" screen, all options (Check boxes) to Sync data are checked. 2) Check that GSync related Schedulers are "Active" (under Admin Settings -> Schedulers). 3) Make sure that on your Sugar Instance "Sugar Default Schedulers" are running at regular intervals. If not, then please setup Cron Job at your server and test. If issue persists then submit a case.

    Hope it helps.

    Regards, Rolustech Support.

  2. fastmoves member avatar


    8 years ago

    I removed Sugar 6.5 and installed SuiteCRM. I downloaded GSync_ondemand and GSync_onsite but the install pdf refers to one install file, I have three. This is really fun.

  3. rolustech-primary-contact member avatar

    Rolustech Verified Purchase

    8 years ago


    Installation process is same for all the packages.

    If you are using Sugar 6 On Site Instance then you will install on Site package.

    If you are using Sugar on Demand then you will install on Demand Package.

    if you are using SuiteCRM then you will use Sugar 6 Onsite Package

    Hope its clear

    Regards Rolustech Support

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