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#3467 - sugar 7

Closed Installation created by pratapkunal 6 years ago

Is this compatible with Sugar 7 ? I tried downloading it but the module loader suggests it is not compatible with sugar7

  1. cm_sugar member avatar

    CM & Sugar Provider Affiliate

    6 years ago

    Hello, it just support latest Sugar 6 standards as described in here. Sugar7 does not support old workflow chainings of logic_hooks. We got too much trouble by hosting the addon for Sugar7, thus we removed it from our support.

  2. pratapkunal member avatar


    6 years ago

    Thanks in such case i would like to cancel the trial.

  3. cm_sugar member avatar

    CM & Sugar Provider Affiliate

    6 years ago

    Shoudl be no problem at all. Please contact Jason from SO to manage the refunding.

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