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#2314 - 7.7 Support

Open Feature created by Malarkey Roofing Admin 8 years ago

Would love to see Sugar 7.7 supported

  1. filcher1448 member avatar


    8 years ago

    Numerous clients and partners would require this. Please inform us when a new version comes out.

  2. Vincent member avatar


    7 years ago

    Looking forward to this supporting Sugar v7

  3. Vincent member avatar


    7 years ago

    No response, does that mean developer not interested and we should look elsewhere?

  4. cm_sugar member avatar

    CM & Sugar Provider Affiliate

    7 years ago

    There is already a first alpha of the plug-in. However, it conflicts with the Sugar7 workflows and corporate versions. Right now it looks like, it will just work for "on-site" solutions. Nevertheless, there is a lack of time and capacity to evolve the plug-in within a committable timespan...

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