by Captivea - SugarCRM Advanced Partner

Enter a French Company's Siret / SIREN number and get valuable information from the most well known company data websites such as or in one click right from Sugar. Learn when the business was created, how many employees they have, activity code, and even get insight to their financials.

Installation Guide

1. Download the file

After purchase, download the modules zip files provided by SugarOutfitters.

2. Install via Module Loader

Using the built-in Module Loader in SugarCRM, upload and install the module .

3. Enter your License Key at the end of the installation

4. Add Custom Siret Fields

In Studio, go to Accounts > Fields. Add a custom field and select "Siret" from the Data Type dropdown. Finish creating the field and then add it to the desired views (record view for Sugar 7 or edit and detai views) and click Save and Deploy.

Configuration options when creating a Siret field: * Hyperlink checkbox - If checked, the data will be processed as a HTML hyperlink in detailview and will open a new tab directly on the website selected in the dropdown after the checkbox * Icone - Display the icon shortcut next to the value in DetailView * Icone - Display the icon shortcut next to the value in DetailView (only if value is a Siret on 14 digits) * Icone - Display the icon shortcut next to the value in DetailView

5. Sugar 7 Only

Please note you will have to reload sugarcrm page (not only go back to home, truly refresh your browser page hitting F5) in order to load the new field's layout information to render the field properly on screen.

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