by provalida

Intentional and customer-oriented communication does not have to be time-consuming and expensive! The pro.sugar Blox plug-in developed by provalida offers you more efficiency in written communication starting from your SugarCRM. Write and pre-define text blocks according to your company’s communication standards and integrate them into emails and PDF documents with just a few clicks.

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User Guide

Creating your templates

Once pvBlox is installed you will find a new module named TextBlocks in the module bar.


Creating a templates is simple as creating any other record in Sugar.


Once you have given you new template a name you need to pick a target odule for your text template


Then pick the language


Now you can start to write down your text.

If you are creating an email template you can use formatting options of the editor, use HTML and insert images


Below the editor you can pick fields from any other related module and insert them into your template text as a template variable


Once you are fine with your template save it and navigate to the target module you want to use it.

Using pvBlox templates

For example on emails, using pvBlox is very simple. Click on any text in the dashlet on the sidepane and the text will apeer at your cursor position


In other modules like accounts, you need to add the dashlet to your current or a new sidepane dashboard


pvBlox dashlet on accounts sidepane: dash_added.PNG

In case of you have a lot of templates for one module, use the search to find your templates quickly, also change the language for seeing other templates that are available for your current module search_for_templates.PNG

As an example pvBlox can help you to create an Account descriptions by using variables from the current record with one click.


You can use pvBlock on any field but the content of the template must match the field attributes i.e. a text will not fit into a currency field for sure ;-)





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