by Faye

Integrate SugarCRM with the fastest growing cloud accounting and ERP software package. Streamline the "quote to cash" process to reduce the time it takes to get paid. Save valuable time by eliminating double entry.

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Key Benefits of Intacct & SugarCRM:

  • Eliminates double entry of customers in both Sugar CRM and accounting
  • Eliminates double entry of inventory items in both Sugar CRM and accounting
  • Provides access to product lists in Sugar CRM without having to manually key in items
  • Eliminates double entry of quotes and sales orders in both Sugar CRM and accounting
  • Keeps accounts and customers in sync
  • Streamlines the "quote to cash" process


Intacct Customers to Sugar Accounts This takes Intacct customer data and moves it to the SugarCRM Accounts Module. New customers will be created automatically in SugarCRM. Existing customers will have their data (name, address, etc.) overwritten each time the synchronization is run.

Intacct Contacts to Sugar Accounts This takes the contact information from the Intacct and move it to the SugarCRM Accounts Module. New contacts will be created automatically when synchronization is run.

Intacct Customer Sales History & Credit Information to Sugar This function moves various Intacct sales history values to the new custom “Sales History” module in Sugar. No other Sugar data is overwritten during this synchronization.

Intacct Inventory to Sugar Product Catalog This takes Intacct inventory data (from the Inventory Master file) and moves it to the SugarCRM Product Catalog Module. Records for the same item number in SugarCRM will be overwritten with the latest Intacct data each time the synchronization is run.

Sugar Quotes and Sales Orders to Intacct This function synchronizes quotes and sales orders entered and updated in Sugar with Intacct sales orders.

The SugarCRM - Intacct Integration streamlines business processes by syncing your accounting and financial system to and from your CRM system.

The Faye Business Systems Group SugarCRM – Intacct Integration Application addresses this. It allows the two software packages to “talk with each other” by sending customers (accounts), inventory items (products), and sales history (sales documents) from Intacct to Sugar and by sending quotes (sales orders) and new accounts (customers) from Sugar to Intacct. The synchronization between the packages can be set on a scheduler or run manually.

Also includes remote installation, configuration, and one hour of training. Please note – environments with large numbers of records to sync may require additional implementation tasks at additional cost. If you believe you have a large number of records, please contact FayeBSG for specifics.

Why Faye?

At Faye, we love software. We eat it, breathe it, and build it. We make the best software in the world even better through better customization, optimization, support, and management.

Faye’s clients get 10x returns on their software because we help leverage the hidden potential of Sugar. We are a company intensely passionate about eating and optimizing your software to make it the best it can be.

At Faye, we are your software partner. We hire geeks, thinkers, experts, and technicians. We are limited only by our caffeine intake – so we buy in bulk and make sure the Arabica never runs out. All for you. That’s what we mean when we say, “We Eat Software”. We take your systems, process, and tech stack complexity and handle it for you. We take your adoption issues and solve them. We eat your software.

And here are a few of the awards we are proud of:

SugarCRM Highest New Order Revenue 2022.png SugarCRM Largest Multi-Product Platform Deal 2022.png SugarCRM Most Add-On Revenue 2022.png

You can find a complete list of awards HERE.

*Implementation fee is an estimate. Please contact us for a quote tailored to your requirements.

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