by Sugabyte LTD

Improve your CRM data quality by identifying duplicate Leads that already exist in Sugar. Customize the level of detection to your needs.

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User Guide

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User Guide

Your first step will be to add the dashlet to your Leads module in Record View. If you are not familiar working with dashboards, please follow SugarCRMs’ official guide on Dashboard Management.

To add the dashlet, follow these steps:

  1. Go to an existing Lead record and ensure that the Intelligence Pane is open and not collapsed. Select the Dashboard where you would like to add the Duplicate Lead Detective dashlet, should you use multiple dashboards.
  2. Click on the floating button in the dashboard area (bottom right)
  3. Select Add Dashlet
  4. Select Duplicate Lead Detective
  5. Click Save

For example:

Understanding the dashlet

When the Lead record page loads, the dashlet will search the enabled modules (usually, Accounts, Contacts and Leads) for potential matches by looking up the Contact Name, Account Name, Phone and Email fields (this depends on how your system administrator has configured the dashlet).

When matches are found:

Which fields was the match found in?

Understanding the Context:

Using the links to explore further:

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