by BrainSell

Are you tired of manually creating lead records within Sugar Sell from conversations with hot prospects via your Drift chatbot platform? Leave those tedious tasks in the past by checking out the Drift for Sugar Sell Integration by BrainSell! With a single click, marketing and sales professionals can automatically create a lead record within Sugar Sell that populates with information gained during the Drift conversation.

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After purchase, BrainSell will contact you to schedule your guided installation.

BrainSell's Drift-SugarCRM integration turns your Drift conversations into Leads in SugarCRM, capturing the person's contact information, and adding the full conversation text as a related Note record. Additionally, any Drift conversations that take place after the Lead in SugarCRM has been converted will be captured as a Note record on the Contact.

The SugarCRM administrator selects whether to map to Leads and Contacts, or just Contacts, and chooses the sync direction.

Drift field mapping.png

The SugarCRM record will show the sync status in the Drift section of the record:

Drift record panel.png

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