by TechGurus

Monitor user activities such as when a record gets added, updated, or deleted. Also see when users log in and out of the CRM.

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Installation Guide

Installing the Add-on

1. Upload Activity Monitor Addon

  • After purchasing the addon login as admin user in your Sugarcrm instance.
  • From the main page, click the 'Admin' tab from top.
  • Then, under the 'Developer Tools' section, choose 'Module Loader'.

    Module loader

  • Click 'Browse' to choose from the available modules.Select the package and then click 'Upload' and allow the file transfer to complete.


2. Install the addon.

  • Once the files have completed transferring, choose 'Install'.


  • When the module is ready for installation, take a moment to read the 'Software License Agreement'.
  • If you agree to the terms of the License Agreement, choose 'Accept', then click to 'Commit'.
  • Verify that the module completed installation.


3. Validate your license key

Go to Admin->Activate Activity Monitor Addon. Enter the license key provided to you in your downloads area and validate the key.

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