by techloyce

Quickly see and review the Status of ActiveCampaign marketing emails along with their Lead Scores from your SugarCRM. The SugarActiveCampaign add-on helps users effectively reach contacts via marketing efforts from ActiveCampaign and view them in Account, Leads, Contacts and Target List modules on SugarCRM side. It supports on-premise deployments.

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ActiveCampaign and SugarCRM

SugarActiveCampaign is a SugarCRM add-on that provides an easy, fast and secure way to review the status of marketing emails and Lead Scores from ActiveCampaign in any of the Account, Leads, Contacts or Target List modules. Get contracts, NDAs and use features much faster. You can get started in about 60 seconds!

How it Works

This add-on enables your business to review Email Communications Status of Contacts, Leads, Accounts and Target List records along with their Lead Scores from ActiveCampaign, in addition to building log details.

Overview Video

Configuration Examples

Install this add-on after first uploading it using the module loader in the administration section of your SugarCRM.

image 1.png

After installation, a link will appear at the bottom of the administration section, where you can set your SugarOutfitters license and ActiveCampaign credentials.

image 2.png

Provide your SugarOutfitters license key and validate. After that, provide ActiveCampaign credentials (API URL, API key) and click on “Authenticate API” button to validate API. If you receive the success message as shown in the second image below, then your credentials are correct.

image 3.png image 4.png

Save the Mapping List with SugarCRM modules and select the check boxes if you want to sync Existing or any Newly created records in SugarCRM, and then click the save button.

image 5.png image 6.png

After saving the settings, you will need to save field mapping. Click on the link shown in the screenshot below.

image 7.png

You will be redirected to mapping view, where you will select the module name and save the field mapping.

image 8.png

Now, click the save button to finish your settings configuration.

image 9.png


Sync Existing Records: If you mark the Existing Records Sync checkbox as true while saving configuration settings, then it will automatically move all existing records like Contacts, Accounts, Leads and Target Lists. Below, we have only marked the Contacts module checkbox as true, so all the existing contacts will be created in ActiveCampaign in whatever ActiveCampaign list you selected during settings configuration.

image 10.png

We have also set the Schedulers in SugarCRM for syncing existing records.

image 11.png

Now, you will be able to see the Existing contacts getting synced in ActiveCampaign list.

image 12.png image 13.png

Syncing New Records: Now we will create a new contact in Sugar and this contact will be automatically created in ActiveCampaign because we have already marked the new sync record checkbox as true on setting page.

image 14.png image 15.png image 16.png

The procedure is same for Leads or Accounts modules.

Update Records: Whenever a record is updated in SugarCRM, it is automatically updated in ActiveCampaign as shown in the images below where we will update contact name and phone number.

image 17.png image 18.png image 19.png

Delete Records: Whenever a record is deleted in SugarCRM in the Accounts, Leads or Contacts modules, it will be automatically deleted in ActiveCampaign.

Target List Syncing: We can also sync Target Lists existing and new records from SugarCRM to ActiveCampaign. We have a target list in SugarCRM and the name of that list is Test Target List. And, this target list currently has one account and one lead. Our target list mapped with Test Techloyce List in ActiveCampaign as seen in the image below.

image 20.png

You can also see the existing records in target list are also getting created in ActiveCampaign in mapped list.

image 21.png image 22.png

Now, we will link a new Account and Lead in target list, and then you'll see a new linking record automatically created and mapped in the ActiveCampaign list.

Add New Record in a Target List: Whenever a new record is linked in a target list in SugarCRM, it will be automatically created and mapped in the ActiveCampaign list.

Create new account in SugarCRM:

image 23.png

Link in CRM target list:

image 24.png image 25.png image 26.png

Record created in ActiveCampaign and also associated with the mapped list:

image 27.png

Unlink a Record from the CRM Target List: When any record gets unlinked from the target list in SugarCRM, then it will also get automatically unlinked from the ActiveCampaign list.

image 28.png image 29.png

Sending Campaigns from SugarCRM:

image 30.png

Now you are seeing stats getting created in SugarCRM against each campaign list record linked with the specific campaign sent.

image 31.png image 32.png

Campaign opened by the user:

image 33.png

Status updated in SugarCRM against that specific user:

image 34.png

When any subscriber clicks on any link in the campaign email, stats will get updated with clicked message in CRM as given below:

image 35.png

All stats of the records that are created in the ActiveCampaign module in CRM, you will also be able to see the stats of those records in SugarCRM.

Lead Score When any of the Account, Leads or Contacts are sent to Active Campaign, we fetch their Lead Scores and also update the value if it changes in Active Campaign. Once all of the syncing of data is completed in sugar CRM, it will only fetch the values of the updated Lead Scores in Active Campaign. In the image below you can we are saving the Lead Scores against each record that is linked with Active Campaign.

image 36.png

Sugar On-Premise & On-Demand Supported

If you host your own SugarCRM server or you are using SuiteCRM, then SugarActiveCampaign is fully supported. We also support Sugar On Demand service.

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