by Rolustech

With enhanced lead generation and intelligent marketing campaign, combine the best of what SugarCRM and Mautic have to offer and make your marketing experience more powerful with RT Mautic Connect.

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RT MauticConnect is being discontinued effective 2nd October 2023. Existing customers will continue to receive active support until 2nd April 2024.

The plugin will remain available for purchase, but as an as-is, one-time payment solution, and its use will be at the customer's own discretion. The plugin is compatible with SugarCRM 13.0 as of its last release.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, but to maintain the quality of our products and services, we deem this is a necessary step. If you have any queries or concerns, please contact to talk to our representatives.

RT Mautic Connect

With enhanced lead generation and intelligent marketing campaign, combine the best of what SugarCRM and Mautic have to offer and make your marketing experience more powerful with RT Mautic Connect.

Sync Your Contacts

Companies Use your Mautic contacts to easily make new Sugar CRM accounts for related companies

Contact Categories Differentiate between contacts, leads and converted leads in Mautic as well as SugarCRM

Contact Related Emails Seamlessly convert previously sent emails into Marketing Events, whether sent as an individual, through segment or even via campaign triggering

Contact Related Notes Sync up all your notes from Mautic, from all categories

Contact Related History Keep track of all the operations performed against any particular contact at any time

Custom Email Fields With the opt-in and opt-out functionality, enable the bi-directional syncing of primary as well as custom emails

Duplication Handling Prevent repetition by avoiding email duplicates in contacts and leads

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Choose Your Configuration Options

Enable/Disable Syncing Decide when to enable or disable the Sugar and Mautic sync for any module

Set Sync Dates Plan ahead and set sync dates according to your schedule

Field Mapping Set the field mapping in accordance with your requirements. Custom fields can also be mapped once the installation is done

Control Sync Settings

Target List Syncing With RT Mautic Connect, sync your contacts and leads both, in Sugar as well as in the Mautic Segment bundle to ensure a streamlined business operation

Disable Options Unsync lists from Sugar at any time to keep your business relevant and updated

Sync Conflicts Keep your business process free of conflicts by the quick resolution of any issues. The resolution is done according to the latest modified data.

Automatic Sync Save time and effort by letting RT Mautic Connect sync your plans according to your defined schedule without the need for any manual input. The scheduler would run in the background automatically to keep everything up-to-date

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Contact Us

We provide outstanding support for RT DocuSign. You can contact us at or create a case/question for us. We look forward to helping you! Visit our Official website to know more about us and our solution.

RT MauticConnect Documents

Click on the documentation link on this page to download the documentations


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* Free 30 day trial