by viznet

Do you need to send SMS messages from SugarCRM? SendSMS is the right tool for you. It allows sending SMS with ease to any Contact or Lead or even to many recipients at one time from the List View. SendSMS supports Callfire, Clikatell and Plivo SMS Gateways as well as any custom configuration. Communicate better and faster and improve your marketing efforts with SendSMS.

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#4019 - Simple Text SMS Messenger by eligeo

Open Feature created by pgh1977 5 years ago

Where do I paste sms template shortcode ID# in the Action of a Process definition? Are there any additional module relationships that need to be added?

The instruction manual on your site is prior to 8.3 release when the process definitions were altered.

Thank you, Pete

  1. viznet member avatar

    viznet Provider

    5 years ago

    Hello Are you refering to the right add-on ? Our add-on is "SendSMS" and we are not supporting templates.

    Kind Regards

    • pgh1977 member avatar


      5 years ago

      Good call... I am not referring to SendSMS...

      Thank you! Pete

    • pgh1977 member avatar


      5 years ago

      Please confirm you are working on a resolution I originally inquired about.... I purchased both SendSMS as well as SimpleText from SugarOutfitters... SendSMS was refunded and SimpleText's current instruction manual is out of date as a result of Sugar's Enterprise update to 8.3...

      I am hoping for guidance by the end of business today.

      Thank you, Pete

  2. viznet member avatar

    viznet Provider

    5 years ago

    Hi Pete What are your needs for SendSMS and how can we help you ? Please contact us directly on to simplify communication.

    Kind Regards Tom

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