by Gabriel Shanahan (OSVČ)

A radically different search experience in SugarCRM. Forget filters - with QuickQuery, you can find anything, anywhere, every time.

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Crash Course

The documentation for QuickQuery is hosted externally - the contents of this page, and more, can be found here.

Crash Course


To enable QuickQuery, click on the grey lightning bolt in any search bar. The bolt will turn yellow, indicating QuickQuery is up and running.

QuickQuery turned off
QuickQuery turned off
QuickQuery turned on
QuickQuery turned on

You can now start searching!

Start by typing in the name of a field we want to search by - say you're in Accounts, and you want to search by Description:

QuickQuery automatically searches among all valid things you could mean, and gives you the option of autofilling it using either the arrow keys [↑] / [↓] and [↵ Enter] or the mouse. Try it out!

Once you type the name, QuickQuery proceeds to suggest all valid operations you can use, depending on the field type. For example, smaller than only appears when dealing with numeric fields!

Pick or type out an operation - we'll use contains to search for descriptions containing the word "licenses". The quotes are important! You're letting QuickQuery know that you mean the word "licenses", as opposed to a field named licenses.

That's it! Notice how the **Search button turned green**, indicating that there are no errors in your query, and you're ready to roll. Go ahead and click the button, or press [⇧Shift] + [↵ Enter], and watch the results of your search appear on screen.

Congratulations! You just performed your first basic search with QuickQuery! Now let's take a look at searching using linked records!

Search Using Linked Records

Let's stay in the Accounts module, and search for Accounts having an Opportunity with a Likely value larger than $25000. To search by a field in a related record, you write the name of the related module, a period, and then the name of the field. So in our example, you would write Opportunity.Likely. As always, when you start typing, QuickQuery will suggest the correct fields, and even include the period.

Notice how the available operations changed from last time, since you're now querying a numeric field. Pick either larger than or <, depending on your preference, and notice how QuickQuery suggest the currencies that are configured in your SugarCRM instance.

Pick "USD" - you could have also used "US Dollars" or "$" - be sure to include quotes around the name of the currency, and then enter 25000. The Search button turns green, indicating you have a valid query, and you're free to fire it off!

Awesome! You just learned how to search using linked records. Keep in mind that you're not limited to a single level! How about searching for Accounts with Opportunities that have no Task? No problem!

However, keep in mind that there's more to searching by links than this. You should definitely learn about < all? > and < all! > in Fields & Links

Where To Go From Here

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