by Nablasol

Stop wasting time with repetitive task creation. Using NBL Mass Task Creator helps you to create tasks for all selected records in one click, avoiding repetitive data entry. Let the platform keep your team on task and efficient.

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Let the Platform Keep Your Team on Task and Efficient

Do you spend way too much time creating tasks for each record? That’s time better spent actually completing the task!

The NBL Mass Task Creator plugin helps you to create tasks for multiple records from the list view. Generally, assigning tasks to each records will eat up most of the time. This Add-on not only saves you time but also helps you to manage your resources efficiently so that you can get all the important tasks done on time.

Features & Benefits:

  • Mass creation that helps you to improve your productivity time by creating tasks with different modules in a matter of few seconds.
  • Bridges the gaps with your team and helps to complete their parts effectively.
  • Organizes your tasks in a way that helps streamline your workflow and reach your target more efficiently.
  • Decreases the risk of losing vital and sensitive tasks.
  • Captures required information automatically according to the Task module.
  • Supports modules like Accounts, Leads, Contacts, Opportunities, Cases etc.

You can mass select records and click the Mass Task Creator action.


After clicking you will be presented a task creation view.


This Mass Task Creator view will allow you to quickly create numerous tasks that are each related to one of the selected records. You can return to individual tasks to update/customize.

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