by synolia

Locate your clients and prospects on a contextualized map. Visually identify clients by type icon. Get directions to help plan out your route.

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SynoGeoloc module for Sugar allows deployment of contextual dashlets with geolocation of current or selected elements.

This module uses the free and open-source Leaflet library and OpenStreetMap to provide you with precise and unlimited use of cartography into Sugar.

A new dashlet called « SynoGeoloc » will be available on the Accounts, Contacts and Leads entities, in “Record” and “List” views and also in « drill down » reports view.

When you consult a detail view record, if the address is correctly filled, the map will be displayed with a point on it for the address of current record.


On a list view, when you select a record the map is automatically updated and a point appears for the selected record. For each new selected element a new point is added on the map wich is then centered to include all points.

When unselecting elements the map is automatically updated with the points of addresses still selected.


You can also use SynoGeoLoc Module on reports. The dashlet is automatically added on the drill down available on reports based on Accounts, Contacts and Leads entities that have a chart.


When accounts are displayed on the map, their type is symbolize (« Type » field of Account entity) :


There are all included icons :


Tips : You can also add your own icons to a personalyze user experience.

For each located element, two links are available on the display into a new browser tab the searched route from or to a place. 2018-11-26_145810.jpg

Check out the User Guide for more examples of what you can do with SynoGeoloc.

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