by techloyce

Manage customer subscription plans and billing directly within Sugar through this integration with SubscriptionFlow

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SubscriptionFlow Integration for Sugar provides you a solution to manage Subscriptions of your Customers within Sugar via SubscriptionFlow

Link a Plan With an Opportunity

  1. Navigate to your “Opportunities” inside SugarCRM and select the one you wish to link to a plan. With SubscriptionFlow configured you should see a “Link Plans” button at the top of the opportunity. Click on it to open up a pop up window.


  1. From the pop up window select a product and a plan from your SubscriptionFlow account.



  1. SugarCRM will load the details of the selected plan and allow you to set a quantity for this order.


  1. Click save to successfully link the plan to this opportunity.


Create a Subscription for an Opportunity

  1. Click the “Create Subscription” button on the top right corner of your opportunity.


  1. Select the subscription type i.e. Termed or Evergreen. In the case of termed subscriptions also choose a start date.


  1. Next select the initial term and whether you wish the subscription to auto-renew.


  1. The “Remove” button lets you exclude any plans linked to the opportunity that are not part of this subscription. Select product quantity where applicable and click save.



  1. You should get a success message indicating that a subscription has been created inside SubscriptionFlow.


  1. The subscription created inside SubscriptionFlow is also visible through SugarCRM.



  1. Similarly, you can find the invoice linked to this subscription inside SugarCRM as well.


This way you can manage leads and subscriptions side by side using the powerful SubscriptionFlow SugarCRM integration.


Requires Subscription Flow License which can be purchased separately.

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* Free 30 day trial