by synolia

Quickly view the organizational hierarchy of any account or contact. Identify key decision makers and influencers using this handy dashlet. Know where a given contact fits in or how an account is structured.

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#2921 - Cannot see hierarchy of contacts, only companies

Closed General Question created by twanek 7 years ago

The product installed correctly in (Build 23), at least as far as I can tell, but the hierarchy only shows for the companies involved, not for the contacts. I need a solution that displays the contacts in a hierarchy as well. Am I doing something wrong, or is there something perhaps missing in my data? What fields need to be filled in to display the contacts in a hierarchy? Or does the product not do that? Thanks.

  1. synolia-primary-contact member avatar

    synolia Verified Purchase

    7 years ago


    The module cannot show a hierarchy chart for contacts as it is not possible to define one in a standard Sugar. Accounts have a "parent" so you can create a hierarchy, contacts do not. The contacts that are displayed for accounts are shown because they are defined as the "main account" for those contacts.

    Kind regards, Synolia Support

    • twanek member avatar


      7 years ago

      But there is a Direct Reports object that shows who works for someone that establishes a parent-child relationship between Contacts. Perhaps you could use that instead? For now, this dashlet doesn't work for me, as I am looking for a way to display an org chart for the people at our customer's companies.

    • synolia-primary-contact member avatar

      synolia Verified Purchase

      7 years ago


      Thank you for the info. I will add it as a feature request for a next version. We are sorry the module doesn't fit your needs.

      Kind regards, Synolia Support

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