What is an Affiliate Code?

It's an easy way for you to share with your clients or prospects about products that you recommend from SugarOutfitters.

When you join the free SugarOutfitters Affiliate program you earn 10% for any sale that you generate.

This includes:

That's right. Once you have shared a link with the code to someone and they click on it we will link your code to that person. When they eventually create an account we associate your code to that member.

From there on out, any purchase made by that member will be credited to you. This includes all future purchases. The only exception being if they eventually follow some other affiliate's link later on. In that rare occurrence, the last affiliate always wins.

Learn more from our blog post Implement SugarCRM? Easily Earn More Revenue with Affiliate Links.

How do I include my code?

Simply add "?tag={MyAffiliateCode}" at the end of a URL that you share with customers. Replace {MyAffiliateCode} with the code that you set.

What are some ways to share my code?

You could:


Once you are in the Affiliate Program you will see a "Grab My Affiliate Link to Share" button on the left side of each add-on page. Just click on it to grab a link and share however you would like. Here is what the button will look like:

What happens when my code is used?

Besides being paid out on the second Friday of each month for all cleared sales (that pass the 30 day refund window), you will receive both an email and a webhooks notification, if you have that configured. This is a great opportunity to introduce yourself, if you haven't already done so, to offer any help or additional services that they may find helpful.

How do I become an affiliate?

Take 30 seconds and submit an Affiliate application. It's free and easy way for SugarCRM partners to expand your book of business.