by techloyce

SugarRightSignature for SugarCRM allows you to send e-sign contracts for electronic signature with RightSignature services and track your documents anytime, anywhere within minutes.

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#3039 - License & System Questions

Open General Question created by DougMcC 7 years ago

Does your system work with Sugarondemand hosted systems?

Does the annual license fee cover all fees, that is it includes any required license with RightSignature? Can you use the RightSignature interface or the Sugar one (if for some reason you can't log into sugar.


  1. techloyce member avatar

    techloyce Provider

    7 years ago

    Hi Doug, Yes, it does work with SugarOndemand.The annual cost is only for package.You need to buy the license directly from RightSignature. Please feel free to reach me on skype if you have any questions.My skype id is KashifSaleem2011

    Thanks and regards, Kashif Saleem

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