#3337 - Not Working on version
We tried installing the module on Sugar and are able to see the configuration options. We are following the examples and have tried configuring the formatter on multiple fields in different modules, but we are unable to view the formatter in any of the fields. Please advice.
6 years ago
Please make sure you have followed the installation instruction, including the mandatory repairs post install. Without these the module is not functional. The issues that you are having are generally caused by the non deployment of the module's Sugar custom dependencies logic. You can find the documentation here: http://static.synolia.com/sugarmodules/SynoFieldMask/SYNOLIA_SugarCRM_Module_FieldMask_Sugar7_EN_V1.2.pdf
If you are still encountering issues after all the repairs are done, I will be happy to assist you.
Kind regards, Synolia Support
6 years ago
Even after doing the above actions still it is not reflecting
6 years ago
Do you see any errors on your console or other part?
Additionally, can you try these steps on this orders:
Kind regards, Synolia Support