#2588 - Meetings > Invitees
Hi, is it possible when you search for Contacts or Users to invite in a Meeting, to see only records allowed by Security Group restrictions? ![Screen Shot 10-11-16 at 04.03 PM.PNG](https://www.sugaroutfitters.com/assets/img/support/securitysuite/65334ea39e8bc0cc8505a41fe667ec1c/Screen%20Shot%2010-11-16%20at%2004.03%20PM.PNG "Screen Shot 10-11-16 at 04.03 PM.PNG")
7 years ago
Yes, I tested this just now on 7.6.3 and it worked as expected. If you aren't seeing them filtered then it is due to the version of SecuritySuite shipped with SuiteCRM instead of the full version sold here.
7 years ago
Yes thank you. I can confirm that on SuiteCRM 7.7.5 is working as expected
7 years ago
Excellent! Sorry that the older code base still has the issue.