by Offshore Evolution Pvt Ltd

Have newly created leads? Processing imported leads from one or more sources? Quickly identify if there is already an existing lead by setting up your predefined parameters. Any possible duplicates will be highlighted and noted when viewing a given lead.

Support Cases Author Status Type
#3059 Duplicates not displayed in dashlet or lead view - hi Team, Installed v2.0 no installation issues but the Identical leads when created are not dipla pratapkunal Closed Bug?
#3056 Post Installation, unable to load dashlet - ![Screen2.PNG]( pratapkunal Closed Bug?
#3055 Addon - After installing the package on Sugar Version 7.8.0 there instance crashed with Error 500, informing pratapkunal Closed Installation
#2506 Fields List does not include "Email" - Need module to display existing email conflicts. When trying to add the option to the module the Fie 1cooper Closed Bug?
#2420 Account Name - Why isn't Account Name populated to be added to the criteria? It is also not available in the f brandonstec Closed Bug?
#2419 Opportunities & Accounts - Create this for opportunities and accounts please. brandonstec Open Feature