by Captivea - SugarCRM Advanced Partner

It has never been easier to Score Your Data Add rating fields to any SugarCRM module right from within Studio. No coding required ! Choose the maximum number of stars to display, allow (or not) half stars and you're ready to go ! Works on on all major views including Detail, Edit, List, and Search right out of the box.

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#1590 - Issue with Module and edit view

Closed Bug? created by jonnie00 Verified Purchase 8 years ago


I have installed the module and created a rating field. In detailed view the star rating appears as it should. In edit view it returns a page of errors and it appears to have re-written my module labels for some of my fields. Removing the field returns everything back to normal.

I am running SuiteCRM 7.3.1 on a Linux server.

The error message returned from the server logs is as follows:

_Sep 12 13:47:45 crm-2 httpd: PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined method OutfittersLicense_StarRating::checkField() in /path/folder-name/custom/include/SugarFields/Fields/Rate/SugarFieldRate.php on line 22 _ Below is the extract of the error message below when you select edit on a record.. Please can you advise me of what is causing the problem?

{* /********************************************************************************* * SugarCRM Community Edition is a customer relationship management program developed by * SugarCRM, Inc. Copyright (C) 2004-2013 SugarCRM Inc. * SuiteCRM is an extension to SugarCRM Community Edition developed by Salesagility Ltd. * Copyright (C) 2011 - 2014 Salesagility Ltd. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the * Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission added * to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK * IN WHICH THE COPYRIGHT IS OWNED BY SUGARCRM, SUGARCRM DISCLAIMS THE WARRANTY * OF NON INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with * this program; if not, see or write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA. * * You can contact SugarCRM, Inc. headquarters at 10050 North Wolfe Road, * SW2-130, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA. or at email address * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3. * * In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3, * these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by * SugarCRM" logo and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM" logo. If the display of the logos is not * reasonably feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must * display the words "Powered by SugarCRM" and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM". ********************************************************************************/ } { /********************************************************************************* * SugarCRM Community Edition is a customer relationship management program developed by * SugarCRM, Inc. Copyright (C) 2004-2013 SugarCRM Inc. * SuiteCRM is an extension to SugarCRM Community Edition developed by Salesagility Ltd. * Copyright (C) 2011 - 2014 Salesagility Ltd. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the * Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission added * to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK * IN WHICH THE COPYRIGHT IS OWNED BY SUGARCRM, SUGARCRM DISCLAIMS THE WARRANTY * OF NON INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with * this program; if not, see or write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA. * * You can contact SugarCRM, Inc. headquarters at 10050 North Wolfe Road, * SW2-130, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA. or at email address * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3. * * In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3, * these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by * SugarCRM" logo and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM" logo. If the display of the logos is not * reasonably feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must * display the words "Powered by SugarCRM" and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM". ********************************************************************************/ } {if isset($smarty.request.isDuplicate) && $smarty.request.isDuplicate eq "true"} {else} {/if} {if (!empty($smarty.request.return_module) || !empty($smarty.request.relate_to)) && !(isset($smarty.request.isDuplicate) && $smarty.request.isDuplicate eq "true")} {/if} {assign var='place' value="_HEADER"} {if $bean->aclAccess("save")} {/if} {if !empty($smarty.request.return_action) && ($smarty.request.return_action == "DetailView" && !empty($smarty.request.return_id))} {elseif !empty($smarty.request.return_action) && ($smarty.request.return_action == "DetailView" && !empty($} {elseif empty($smarty.request.return_action) || empty($smarty.request.return_id) && !empty($} {else} {/if} {if $bean->aclAccess("detail")}{if !empty($ && $isAuditEnabled} {/if}{/if} {$PAGINATION} {sugar_include include=$includes} { Generate the Tab headers *}

{sugar_translate label='LBL_EDITVIEW_PANEL11' module='rls_Candidates'}
{sugar_translate label='LBL_EDITVIEW_PANEL34' module='rls_Candidates'}
{sugar_translate label='LBL_EDITVIEW_PANEL9' module='rls_Candidates'}
{sugar_translate label='LBL_EDITVIEW_PANEL33' module='rls_Candidates'}
{sugar_translate label='LBL_EDITVIEW_PANEL21' module='rls_Candidates'}

{counter name="panelFieldCount" start=0 print=false assign="panelFieldCount"} {counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if} {counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if} {counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if} {counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if} {counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if} {counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if} {if $panelFieldCount == 0} {/if} {counter name="panelFieldCount" start=0 print=false assign="panelFieldCount"} {sugar_translate label='LBL_EDITVIEW_PANEL12' module='rls_Candidates'} {counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if} {counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if} {counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if} {if $panelFieldCount == 0} {/if} {counter name="panelFieldCount" start=0 print=false assign="panelFieldCount"} {counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if} {if $panelFieldCount == 0} {/if} {counter name="panelFieldCount" start=0 print=false assign="panelFieldCount"} {sugar_translate label='LBL_EDITVIEW_PANEL14' module='rls_Candidates'} {counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if} {counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if} {if $panelFieldCount == 0} {/if} {counter name="panelFieldCount" start=0 print=false assign="panelFieldCount"} {sugar_translate label='LBL_EDITVIEW_PANEL16' module='rls_Candidates'} {counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if} {counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if} {counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if} {counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if} {counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if} {if $panelFieldCount == 0} {/if} {counter name="panelFieldCount" start=0 print=false assign="panelFieldCount"} {counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if} {counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if} {counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if} {counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if} {counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if} {if $panelFieldCount == 0} {/if} {counter name="panelFieldCount" start=0 print=false assign="panelFieldCount"} {sugar_translate label='LBL_EDITVIEW_PANEL22' module='rls_Candidates'} {counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if} {counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if} {counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if} {if $panelFieldCount == 0} {/if} {counter name="panelFieldCount" start=0 print=false assign="panelFieldCount"} {counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if} {if $panelFieldCount == 0} {/if} {counter name="panelFieldCount" start=0 print=false assign="panelFieldCount"} {sugar_translate label='LBL_EDITVIEW_PANEL23' module='rls_Candidates'} {counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if} {if $panelFieldCount == 0} {/if} {counter name="panelFieldCount" start=0 print=false assign="panelFieldCount"} {sugar_translate label='LBL_EDITVIEW_PANEL24' module='rls_Candidates'} {counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if} {counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if} {counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if} {if $panelFieldCount == 0} {/if} {counter name="panelFieldCount" start=0 print=false assign="panelFieldCount"} {sugar_translate label='LBL_EDITVIEW_PANEL26' module='rls_Candidates'} {counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if} {if $panelFieldCount == 0} {/if} {counter name="panelFieldCount" start=0 print=false assign="panelFieldCount"} {sugar_translate label='LBL_EDITVIEW_PANEL27' module='rls_Candidates'} {counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if} {if $panelFieldCount == 0} {/if} {counter name="panelFieldCount" start=0 print=false assign="panelFieldCount"} {sugar_translate label='LBL_EDITVIEW_PANEL28' module='rls_Candidates'} {counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if} {if $panelFieldCount == 0} {/if} {counter name="panelFieldCount" start=0 print=false assign="panelFieldCount"} {sugar_translate label='LBL_EDITVIEW_PANEL31' module='rls_Candidates'} {counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if} {if $panelFieldCount == 0} {/if} {counter name="panelFieldCount" start=0 print=false assign="panelFieldCount"} {sugar_translate label='LBL_EDITVIEW_PANEL32' module='rls_Candidates'} {counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if} {if $panelFieldCount == 0} {/if} {counter name="panelFieldCount" start=0 print=false assign="panelFieldCount"} {counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if} {counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value } {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if} {if $panelFieldCount == 0} {/if} {counter name="panelFieldCount" start=0 print=false assign="panelFieldCount"} {sugar_translate label='LBL_EDITVIEW_PANEL35' module='rls_Candidates'} {counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} { if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {capture name="label" assign="label"}{sugar_translate label='LBL_G1COMM' module='rls_Candidates'}{/capture} {$label|strip_semicolon}: * {counter name="panelFieldCount"}

  1. Captivea member avatar


    Do you have any other module installed on your suitecrm 7.3.1 ? Which version of PHP are you using ? Which PHP modules are enabled ?

    We will test on a stock SuiteCRM 731 instance within the next hours and post here the tests results.

  2. jonnie00 member avatar

    jonnie00 Verified Purchase

    8 years ago

    Good Morning,

    We are running PHP Version 5.3.3.

    We do run other modules. We are running modules for Kreporter, dupdetector, Richlode Recruitment module, Auto Address Search, Eligeo Visual Sales Pipeline, photo and file upload.

    Apart from KReporter and the Richlode modules, all of the other modules have come through SugarOutfitters.

    I look forward to hearing from you.

    • Captivea member avatar

      Yep this is really strange because we have a lot of sales on this module and you're the first one that has such a problem with it. I hope we'll found a problem because if it is working with the out of the box suite crm we will be unable to provide help to make it works !

      Well the first thing is to give us a day to test this on a stock instance. (i am on a customer site this monday so will test it tonight or tomorrow morning at the last timing)

  3. jonnie00 member avatar

    jonnie00 Verified Purchase

    8 years ago

    Good Morning,

    I wondered if you had made any progress in solving the issue with this module. Please can you let me know?

    Kind regards,

  4. Captivea member avatar

    Hi Jonnie,

    the module is just working fine with SuiteCRM 7.3.1 Max out of the box Just installed the module and entered the serial when asked, press validate button (with success feedback from Sugar outfiters)

    Which PHP modules have you enabled ? Did you enabled PHP_curl ?

  5. Captivea member avatar

    Be sure to run an upgraded version of PHP 5.3 Here on the dev instance I used without errors it is 5.3.13 and not 5.3.3!

  6. Captivea member avatar

    Got it ! Sorry this is an issue as you're using multiples modules from Sugaroutfitters and then the licence class we modified must have been loaded on an earlier module while executing the view

    To fix this : - Go to \modules\cap_License_StarRating - Rename OutfittersLicense.php as OutfittersLicense2.php - Edit the file and change lines 4 and 6 : add a "2" at the end of the class name and class exist functions - Edit OutfittersLicense_StarRating.php : Line 2, add the new file name 'OutfittersLicense2.php' - Same file, line 5 extends OutfittersLicense2

    Save the files and refresh your view (ctrl+F5 on my desktop dev instance) This should do the trick

    • Captivea member avatar

      Ok we made a teamviewer session to debug that. The problem is only located on a custom specific module made by Richolde solutions.

      (the recruitment modules) this seems they are using JS code to perform action and their code seems to be not working on Edit view with our module. We succesfully create and used fields on Accounts modules.

      We are waiting for customer's additional information to know how the module is working and if we can debug that for him. Else it will be to Richolde solutions support team to make their module working with others

      Keeping this topic up to date as soon as I got new information

  7. jonnie00 member avatar

    jonnie00 Verified Purchase

    8 years ago

    Good Morning,

    Apologies for the delay in responding. I have now applied your modifications. Regrettably there is still an issue.

    Within this module there are a series of tabs. Having applied the modifications, I have created a 'ratings' field. When I add this to the layout it causes all of the informaton that should be on separate tabs to form part of a continuous page on the first tab.

    In addition, in edit view it only shows the label for the rating field and not the stars.

    In detailed view, all the tabs work and the stars are showing.

    Php Curl is enabled.

    Please can you advise?

    Many thanks,

    • Captivea member avatar

      Can you please post over the internet a link to screenshoots with normal behavior and degraded layout you experience with the module ?

      Is the module a custom module or a base module ? What is the name of the base module if revelant ?

    • jonnie00 member avatar

      jonnie00 Verified Purchase

      8 years ago


      Please can you send me your email address to forward screenshots?

      Many thanks,

    • Captivea member avatar

      You can host them over the internet or send them via

      Thanks in advance

  8. jonnie00 member avatar

    jonnie00 Verified Purchase

    8 years ago


    I am pleased that the problem is not related to the plugin; thank you for taking the time to trouble shoot. I am confident we will get to the bottom of the issue with our envrionment and the rating plugin will be a very valuable addition.

    Finally, thank you for your first class customer service and support. Its a pleasure working with your company! We can close off this ticket for the time being.

    All the best, Jonathan

  9. Captivea member avatar

    Under a fresh instance of Suitecrm 731 max + recruitment module + rating module, everything is working as expected. Customer has made specific modification in layouts that might have broken the normal behavior expected by the module (Javascript errors displayed in the console we don't have while running on a fresh instance)

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