If your company deals with more than one currency then you can relate to some of these common challenges in managing those currencies in your CRM:
- Why can't I import currencies to update them?
- Can I really only update one currency at a time?
- Where do I get up-to-date currency information?
- How can our users see how the exchange rates have changed over time?
If that sounds familiar than Currency Controller is for you. Read on to learn more...
Highlevel Overview
Automate your CRM Currency Administration. Currency Controller updates currency exchange rates automatically. Background processes check for updates up to every hour so your system is as up to date as possible.
Currency History View
Up-to-date Currency Rates
To learn more about this solution go to Currency Controller or search for "currency".
Upsert® Call Center for Microsoft Teams Phone
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Filter Deployer
Allow users to quickly and easily share filters to other users. Admin users can create templates of filters from multiple users to deploy to users, teams, or roles.
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