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Improve Conversions With Our New Webhooks

Posted by on August 13, 2015

Three new webhooks have been added that we highly recommend that you take advantage of:

How to Take Advantage of Them


If you are taking advantage of our License API (and you should be) then this is a nice one to use. Most new users are able to get an add-on installed within the first day. If not, we find that they are at high risk of converting to an ongoing customer. Use this webhook by sending out a proactive email to the new user asking if they need help. For example:

Subject: Need some help installing [YOUR ADD-ON]? Hi there, it looks like you haven’t been able to get [YOUR ADD-ON] installed yet. Need help? If you haven’t already, you can download the installable zip package here then follow the step-by-step user guide here[YOUR ADD-ON]. We can also do the install for you along with providing some training via an Installation and Training package that we offer. If you are interested in that just let me know. Respond to this email if you have any questions. We're eager to help get you started! Cheers! [YOUR ADD-ON] Support


While we already send a 3 day noticed before a trial converts, it is always a good idea to reach out to your own users directly to make sure they have everything they need. Not only do these additional touch points lead to a better overall experience, but they also help promote your brand as being attentive and caring. This often leads to additional opportunities down the road.


Much like the trial_will_convert, this is sent 7 days prior to any yearly renewal. The benefits are much the same. However, now the customer has been using your add-on for a year. This is a good chance to see not just how they are doing, but if their needs have changed. Having these conversations can lead to a better long term solution which means happier customers.

Enabling and Using Webhooks

To learn more about how to enable webhooks for your add-ons along with code examples check out our Webhooks - Examples documentation. Also be sure to check out the full list of all of the available webhook events and objects.