by AppJetty

Offer your SugarCRM users a smart and exciting customizable SugarCRM login screen. They can add images and quotes they like on the login screen without additional settings. Just integrate the plugin with your SugarCRM/SuiteCRM solution and you will be ready to offer a unique login screen!

Includes a 30 day guarantee
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We like this one a lot. It's not a huge productivity booster or anything but it works well and looks good. Our people all work remotely, and being able to connect a little at the start of each day with a photo and/or quote that unites us and reminds us we're not alone is a real benefit.

  1. Biztech-primary-contact member avatar


    7 years ago

    Hi Mark,

    Thank you for having taken your time to provide us with your valuable feedback. Your positive feedback allows us to know our efforts are appreciated and you’re enjoying our product!

    Thanks for being an awesome customer!

  • "Great way to start the day by putting a smile or thought for our employees. Easy to use, and non evasive. Works as advertised and great value for th..." - erobinson

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