by Offshore Evolution Pvt Ltd

Proximity searches are becoming more essential to businesses every day. Sales and marketing teams use them to organize field visits and campaigns. The real estate industry use them to offer better alternative locations to their customers. Hotel, travel and tourism businesses use them to offer various accommodation options and places to visit. How will you use it?

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gave this add-on Add-on Rating stars.


Very helpful. If we're going to be exhibiting at an event we can find all the leads within a given radius and reach out to them – asking them to come visit our booth. We can check for clients in the area and arrange for visits.

In the past we could only use native SugarCRM functionality to search by city or state, which really wasn't helpful. More often than not it just devolved into asking each other if anyone knew a shop near a certain town.

This is a massive improvement and a great investment as it lets us really maximize the money we spend on travel and exhibiting.

  • "Very helpful. We can check for clients in the area and arrange for visits. A great investment as it lets us really maximize the money we spend on travel and exhibiting."

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