by Captivea - SugarCRM Advanced Partner

Need a way to have customers sign a receipt or for project managers to draw a mock-up in real time right inside of Sugar? Add drawing fields to any SugarCRM module right from within Studio. Especially great when out in the field using a tablet. Signatures or drawings on the spot.

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Update 4/29/15 - Despite a delay in support, Capitvea seems to be back up and running to supprot the plugin.

This is a must have for anyone who needs a signature capture field! Thanks to Captivea for making it!

  1. Captivea member avatar

    Customer sent a direct email during Easter holidays. Sorry for delay.

    Customer's problem is linked to another custom modification that is saving Sugar data directly via code, but our field data is not processed by the modification and customer is loosing the signature. Not directly a bug as it is linked to 3rd-party modification.

  • "This is a must have for anyone who needs a signature capture field! Thanks to Captivea for making it!"

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